Wednesday, March 11, 2015

FB Book Give Away to Community Partners

Ever hear the old adage “healthy mind, healthy body?”  Literacy and learning, health and physical fitness go hand-in-hand, and no one knows that better than First Book, Sports Basement, and the many organizations that came together to celebrate this on September 27, 2014. Sports Basement opened their doors to hundreds of San Francisco families, who received thousands of dollars worth FREE books from First Book San fas well as fitness-related goodies from our partners at Sports Basement.

Kids from San Francisco RBI, Mission Graduates, Jamestown Community Center, and America Scores were welcomed to the Sports Basement, where their coaches and mentors had assembled an assortment of books ordered just for them, reinforcing the message that reading and playing are treasured activities for every day.

First Book, a national organization whose mission is to get books into the hands and homes of children in underserved communities, is proud to support organizations such as San Francisco RBI (@SanFranciscoRBI), whose participants sent inspiring notes about the books they can now call their own. We've scanned the heart warming notes so that we can share them with you (click to view them full size).

Thank you, Nancy Lee, for sharing the words and thoughts of the children you serve! We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves!
Warmest regards, Lynne Mayes

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