Saturday, December 08, 2012

Donate to First Book SF This Holiday Season

Give the gift that keeps on giving:
The Gift of Reading!
Spread holiday cheer that brings families closer, builds essential skills, and lasts a lifetime.

Our coalition of early literacy advocates works directly with families in need to build home libraries because kids who read succeed!

Our partnership with First Book allows us to purchase brand new books for less than $3.00 each. Your tax-deductible contribution to our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization will provide:
$25.00 donation = 8 books
$50.00 donation = 16 books
$100.00 donation = 33 books
$250.00 donation = 83 books
and will allow us to purchase and distribute incredible titles such as:

To Donate online:
Use the link at the top of our right hand sidebar or
click on the First Book Logo Below

(Please select San Francisco from the Gift Designation drop down list.)
To donate by check:
First Book - San Francisco, c/o Jude Deckenbach
368 Connecticut Street, San Francisco, CA 94107


Alex, Ande, Brian, Carla, Elmer, Irene, Jude, Kathy, Luanne, Lynne, Michael, Michele, and Michelle.

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